Because I assist hundreds of clients each year with their move to Gwinnett County, I know how difficult it can be. Especially on the little ones. Sure they adjust, but it’s seldom easy. Because of my experience I’ve learned a thing or two about what you can do for your children to make those transitions a bit easier on them. You’ll be doing yourself a favor as well.
Do the Little Things Right When You Move To Gwinnett County
- As a parent, don’t forget to nurture your children during the move. A little extra attention just might be the right medicine to help make the experience less painful.
- Be organized! Accumulate all of their school and medical/dental records for your new home.
- Keep all important documents in a safe and accessible location. Important documents could include birth certificate, social security card, school records, medical/dental records, and important keepsakes should all be maintained is a convenient place.
Now Get Creative with Your Move!
There are several ways to get creative to help your children deal with their move. Give these a try and don’t forget to come back to the Gwinnett County Real Estate Blog to comment and tell me how they turned out for you. One things for sure, your kids are going to love these ideas!
- Host a moving to Gwinnett County party for your kids and invite their school friends and neighborhood friends. Take plenty of photos of this memoriable event!
- Create an “autograph” T-shirt with their friends and relatives signatures. Take pictures of children as they sign the tee-shirt.
- When helping your children go through their old toys and out-grown clothes to see what can be donated or sold, be sure to take photos of more cherished items. Do you see a common “theme” building here ?
What to do With All Those Photos?
Without fail one of the best ways to cope with the emotions of moving is to create a “memory book” of your last home. Now you know what to do with all those photos I was telling you to take. In your memory book add all those memorable keepsake photos of their last days at their home before moving to their new home in Gwinnett County. Be sure to have their friends sign this keepsake book and don’t forget to include their addresses for correspondence later. One last tip about photos, I recommend you create a photo file storage account at That way all your children’s friends can view the photos too.
The Next Great Adventure – Moving to Your New Gwinnett County Home!
In closing, don’t forget to emphasize to your child that moving to their new Gwinnett County home will be a big adventure. Should your child express any sadness about their upcoming move, reassure them and let them know you understand. Tell them expressing sadness is OK and a part of growing up. One last important note, if your child participated in a sports team, play group or other social gatherings at their former home be sure to locate a similar group in your new Gwinnett County community. Seek out these settings at your child’s new school, the Gwinnett County parks and recreation office or your house of worship. It really is best for their stability.
Until my next post,
P.S. Are you moving to (or from) Gwinnet County? We are a click or phone call away (770) 979-3228.
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